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Walk 1896 - printer friendly version

Horseshoe Dale & Deep Dale from Wye Dale Walk

Author - Lou Johnson

Length - 6.4 miles / 10.4 km

Ascent - 900 feet / 273 metres

Grade - easy/mod

Start - OS grid reference SK104725
Lat 53.2494160 + Long -1.8455951
Postcode SK17 9TE (approx. location only)

This Peak district walk features three dales, a section of the limestone upland and the village of Chelmorton. The route follows good paths and tracks including part of the Pennine Bridleway. This route also passes an area of narrow walled fields to the west of Chelmorton.

The start is the free car park in Wye Dale (grid ref. SK104725) on the north side of the A6 5 miles west of Buxton. After parking walk east following the sign 'Bridleway to Monsal Trail'. Continue beside the River Wye, ignoring the signed 'walking route to Monsal Trail' on the right. Continue to the Blackwell Mill Cycle Centre and just after turn right following the Pennine Bridleway sign. Pass through a gate, turn left and then go right up steps to reach a stile. Pass a Cheedale Nature Reserve board and follow path steeply uphill following the Pennine Bridleway.

At the top of the dale (grid ref. SK115723) bear left and follow the path, which becomes a track, for 800 metres to reach a lane in Blackwell. Turn right still on the Bridleway and continue to the A6. Go straight across and follow the lane uphill. Continue around a right-hand bend and take the first bridleway on the left (grid ref. SK1237130). Follow the walled track south for 700 metres to reach a tarmac lane. Take the first path on the right by a three-way fingerpost to Chelmorton. Just past the church on your left, turn left into the village. Pass the Church In on your right and continue downhill to the first fingerpost on your right near a wooden bench (grid ref. SK115702).

Follow the clear track keeping to the left at Shepley Farm. 250 metres beyond the farm entrance turn left along a walled track. Cross a lane and continue south for 250 metres to where the track turns sharp right. On the corner (grid ref. SK 108701) take the footpath from the corner half-left across a field to re-join a walled track. Follow the walled track to the A5270. Bear left passing a sewage works on your right and continue for 100 past the entrance. Turn right onto a path (hidden in bushes) into a field. Walk half left across the field and continue into a smaller field keeping to the left of a broken-down wall to re-join the A5270. If you fail to the find this path, follow the A 5270, which has a grass verge to pass Dale Grange Farm.

If you have found the path, turn right along the A5270, pass Dale Grange Farm and after 120 metres turn right onto a footpath through a gate between trees (easily missed). Follow the path to a group of barns, Ignore the metal on your left and bear right through a wooden gate to enter Horseshow Dale. The follows the foot of the dale veering left and then right to reach an information board and stile when you enter Deep Dale (grid ref. SK096708). Stay in the bottom of the dale. The path, rough in places, enters trees, and crosses the Midshires Way. Shortly after leaving the trees, cross a stile with adjacent gate. Continue along a gravel track past warning signs. Bear left, descend some steps and soon after join a narrow path. Continue pass the entrance to the quarry and walk on path beside the road. Cross the A6, with care, and return to the car park opposite.

Walk 1896 Route Map

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